Next CareerWise FCD+Strengths Course:
Facilitating Career Development with Strengths Starts in May  2025.

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Career Services Provider Training FCD+Strengths

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CareerWise Training is for Job Developers, Career Coaches and Counselors, Leaders and other Career Services Professionals seeking to have greater impact in their roles, to develop effective programs, and to achieve outstanding client employment and retention for their clients.

Next 12 Week Cohort
Wednesdays from 3 to 5 pm PST
5/14/25 to 8/16/24
(No class on 6/18/25)

National Certification Eligibility
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Customized Group Training 

Click the link below to schedule a meeting to discuss customization options and/or discounts for groups of 6 or more.

Online, Onsite and Hybrid training options.

Customize dates, times, duration and industry focus of courses, workshops, coaching and webinars. 

For GCDF and CCSP certification eligibility, Facilitating Career Development Training must include a minimum of 24 hours of live online or onsite instruction.

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*Strengths-Based Team Development
*Foundational Career Services Training
*Fundamentals of Job Development
*Application of AI in Client Coaching

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Upcoming FCD+Strengths Course Information


Customized Training Consultation

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Additional Course Details...


Target Student

Youth & Adult Workforce Development and Career Services Professionals with at least 1 year of direct career services experience, at any level of services delivery (direct service, coordination, management, and executive) supporting individuals with potential barriers to employment. 

Career Services Provider Certification (CCSP)

The Facilitating Career Development Training program leading to the CCSP was developed by the National Career Development Association (NCDA) to provide standards, training specifications, and certification for workforce development professionals and is highly recognized both nationally and internationally as a standard for employment in higher education and the public workforce development system.

A Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) has received in-depth training in the areas of career development in the form of at least 24 hours of live class with up to 120 hours total class, instruction, and assignment hours, provided by a nationally trained and qualified instructor and proven their career development competency by completing the CCSP credential application verifying understanding and mastery of the following: 

  1. Helping Skills - Be proficient in the basic career facilitating process while including productive interpersonal relationships.
  2. Labor Market Information and Resources - Understand labor market and occupational information and trends. Be able to use current resources.
  3. Assessment - Comprehend and use (under supervision) both formal and informal career development assessments with emphasis on relating appropriate ones to the population served.
  4.  Overcoming Employment Challenges - Recognize special needs of each individual and adapt service delivery to meet their career development needs.
  5. Ethical and Legal Issues - Follow the NCDA Code of Ethics and know current legislative regulations.
  6. Career Development Models - Understand career development theories, models, and techniques as they apply to lifelong development, gender, age, and ethnic background.
  7. Employability Skills - Know job search strategies and placement techniques, especially in working with underserved or underrepresented populations.
  8. Training Clients and Peers - Prepare and develop materials for training programs and presentations.
  9. Program Management/Implementation - Understand career development programs and their implementation, and work as a liaison in collaborative relationships.
  10. Promotion and Public Relations - Market and promote career development programs with staff and supervisors. 
  11. Technology  - Comprehend and use career development computer applications.
  12. Consultation - Accept suggestions for performance improvement from consultants or supervisors.

NCDA’s FCD curriculum also provides additional modules that focus on the following:

  • Business Services and Employer Relations
  • Serving Clients with Disabilities
  • Serving Clients who are Justice-Involved
  • Serving K-12 Students
  • Workforce and Career Development History